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For Reference

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

What are you Referencing right now?

I have begun to realize with great weight the importance of references. References for good art and for good living. We are perpetually drawing out of the world and pouring back into it what we have combined. Not always, but more often than noted, choice is involved in this process. Our surroundings prime our consciousness. I did an experiment recently with what I listen to. For more than a month the only music and podcasts I heard were purely positive. As someone who is drawn to sad or negative music I found depression to be always there like the background music of my life and I was humming along to it. It took some adjusting but I found adjusting in the reverse to actually be harder. I have yet to re-engage fully in negative music because of what I learned. While I surely missed the old beats, the lyrics were speaking over me a whole list of things I was not in agreement with. This created an incongruence in me where I was singing one thing while attempting to live another. So began my thoughts on what I reference for the life I live and the art I make.


The Compost For Reference

It is my prayer that my works may sit within the minds of others as the skeletons of what was sit within the compost.

Let what I compose decompose into another's art.

May it be only a reference point for what is to be made next,

not plagiarized but re-energized.

As the different bits of carbon and nitrogen transform within the dirt I want only to be an investment for another.

Pull a lyric from the air, a rock from the stream, a map from the wall, a taste from the garden

Lay them out together and let them minister to you.

Ask now what only you can concoct with your findings.


What are you referencing right now? A vessels worth is determined by what is held in its void.

"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves for the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master to do any good work." - 2 Timothy 2:20-21 niv

Sheyenne Stowe


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