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Light Perspective

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

"And God said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.' And it was so." Genesis 1:14-15 niv

Mixed media often causes me to perceive clay through a new lens. Something that is so beautiful about ceramic art is the opportunity to manipulate it for various uses. One can create bowls, cups, plates, etc. for use and find that thin and even walls are desirable and yet when creating a wabi sabi form they discover it lends to thick walls and uneven forms. The structure is defined by the purpose. As one progresses with clay they may note how it reacts in use or to other media and ultimately learn more about pottery itself.

Through ceramic lamp making I have learned many things about lights. I noted that the floor of my pot should have been quite a bit thinner since I chose to grind the hole for the rod and a foot ring with an exit the width of a chord would have been useful. To compensate for these shortcomings I ground through the bottom farther and used decorative beads as "feet" on the pot to allow the chord a space to go. In addition to this list of tweaking I have understood that light plays a role in developing the form.

Light can enhance, diminish, exaggerate, and define form.

Shadows in the right spot can play an aesthetic role, for what is light without variation? I have watched potters create a slight upward slant at the bottom of cylindrical shapes to create an illusion that the pot is hovering over the surface upon which it sits. This can complement many shapes and create a sense of completeness as the eye travels over the pot.

In addition to the literal effects of light, it also is quite figurative. The light we use determines how we judge any subject. It may cause us to distort people or situations. As visible in these photos, the glaze color on the lamp base is changed just by the flash on my camera.

Light is quite a fascinating thing as it determines how we allot our time which culminates to our life. It separates ordinary days from celebratory days. Light has been elected a sort of authority since the beginning of... well... light.

Sheyenne Stowe


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